Club America #1 Cristiano Ronaldo #1


Monday, May 16, 2011

Sportsmanship Project

Sportsmanship Project
I thought that the video was good, because it shows that even your on the opposing team it is always important to care for somebody. Sarah got really badly injured, and after hitting her first home-run ever, when she was going for the bases, i guess something happen and she couldn't get up no more. None of her teammates can help her, and if they touch her they won't call it for a home-run. So one of the girls from the other team told the umpire if they can carry her all around the bases, and the umpires said yes. So i thought this video showed a lot of character in the two girls that helped her their names were Liz and Mallary. Those girls know the true meaning of SPORTSMANSHIP..

Sportsmanship is when everybody in sports including teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials treat each other with respect. Kids learn the basics of sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and their coaches. Kids who see adults behaving in sportsmanlike conduct will come to understand that the real winners are the ones that know how to win or lose and behave with dignity.

         Parents, your coach, or your friend can help kids understand that sportsmanship includes both small and heroic efforts. You should start by just shaking your opponents hand before a game and includes acknowledging good plays made by others and accepting bad calls. It isn’t easy to display good sportsmanship, because it can be tough to congratulate the opposing team after losing an important game. But the kids who leant how to do it will benefit in many ways. Remember, sportsmanship is hard, but is the main thing you should do when playing a sport, because it takes a lot of courage and not everyone can do it. So always use sportsmanship at all times when playing sports.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

HP Reconstruction

I think that the HP overhaul, or the HP reconstruction is bad, because it is breaking down our school into 5 different schools and they are making it a charter school. On Tuesday, May 10,2011 the school board had a meeting about whether or not they were going to make charter or not. So, a group of kids from our school walked out of class and went to protest about it. But when they got there the meeting was already over, and only some kids were able to speak about saving our school. But nothing could change their mind, so it sucks to see are school become charter. I think they should give us more chances, because a lot of students actually do try to do good on the test.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sportsmanship Video

 I thought that the video was good, because it shows that even your on the opposing team it is always important to care for somebody. Sarah got really badly injured, and after hitting her first home-run ever, when she was going for the bases, i guess something happen and she couldn't get up no more. None of her teammates can help her, and if they touch her they won't call it for a home-run. So one of the girls from the other team told the umpire if they can carry her all around the bases, and the umpires said yes. So i thought this video showed a lot of character in the two girls that helped her their names were Liz and Mallary. Those girls know the true meaning of SPORTSMANSHIP..